You're alive!!" I'm Arthur Leywin's best friend! Arthur's father. arthur leywin’s pov: Tessia didn’t wake up until late into the afternoon of the day after. "I'm telling you! No comments the beginning after the end arthur and tessia 20 februari 2021. Tessia giggled as well as she took a seat on the bed too. Virion had left in the morning to deal with what had happened to their home, and left a note on the other side of my door telling me to take “good care” of Tess until he got things sorted out. Dia baik-baik saja. Virion telah pergi di pagi hari untuk menangani apa yang terjadi dengan rumah mereka, dan meninggalkan catatan di sisi lain pintu saya memberitahu saya untuk “menjaga” Tess sampai dia menyelesaikan semuanya. Reynolds Leywin . Having Arthur as Tessia's … [5] However, when Tessia was five, she had a fight with her parents which led to her running away to cool off. Untuk Virion, ia usdah pergi di pagi hari untuk mengatasi apa yang telah terjadi dengan rumahnya, dan ia meninggalkan catatan di sisi lain dari pintu yang mana memberitahuku untuk menjaga Tessia … Advertisement: Sylvie . Yes, this was better. “Y-You! Beneath the … However, solitude lingers closely behind those with great power. Sepertinya dia dibius dengan obat bius untuk membuatnya tidak sadar … ARTHUR LEYWIN'S POV: Tessia was okay... Bruises and scrapes were visible on her smooth, pale skin. Tessia almost knocked the boy back down onto the ground from how fast she flew into his arms . Chapter 11 She became much more feminine and is described as a beauty by others. State your name!” Dresh was the one to speak, his usually confident voice wavering at the sight before him. The blue-eyed man regarded him in silence for a moment, making Dresh instinctively take a step back, before he answered. If I can't visit him, then who can? She was okay. I heard a familiar voice echo in the distance and I couldn't help but chortle at my friend. After awakening at the early age of nine, she began training her conjuring skills with a tutor and fighting skills with Virion. The Beginning After The End (by TurtleMe) - Chapter 88 - A Stroll - Support reading on Mobile, Table, PC. Meanwhile, my arms stayed outstretched . Because You Were Nice to Me: Tessia quickly grew attached to Arthur due to him being the only person outside of Tess's family to treat her with genuine kindness. SUDUT PANDANG ARTHUR LEYWIN’S: Tessia tidak bangun sampai siang di hari setelahnya. “Sylvie!” Tessia, exclaimed, embracing the creature before looking back up. Untungnya mereka hanya luka permukaan. Leywin Family. That way, she wouldn't have to be awake for … Maybe the passing breeze would accept my embrace… ARTHUR LEYWIN'S POV: As Tess' faint voice reached my ears and her teary eyes … I'm telling you, it's true!!" We're like brothers! Chapter 87 : Keinginanan yang Penuh Keraguan. “Arthur Leywin.” Daughter of the dragon Sylvia and Arthur's bond. The Beginning After The End - Chapter 96 : Badai SUDUT PANDANG ARTHUR LEYWIN'S: Tessia baik-baik saja ... Hanya ada memar dan goresan pada kulit pucat halusnya. "ARTHUR!!!! However, solitude lingers closely Aliases Read Chapter 137: Arrival of the The Beginning After The End light novel. Thankfully they were only surface wounds. pov arthur leywin: Tessia tidak bangun sampai sore keesokan harinya.
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