andromedan starseed markings

According to traits of both Pleiadians and Andromedans, Sirians, and Irions, I have traits of all…. As you raise your own consciousness, people will begin to take notice. You can determine starseed marks by the astronomical position of the sun, moon, and visible planets in relationship to different stars systems present during your birth. There are two types of starseed markings both can give you insight into your past lives. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Who you are has a lot to do with the day, date and time you incarnated here on Earth, due to the specific planetary starseed alignments at the time of your birth. GOD IS GREAT THE DIVINE CREATOR…We have a mission to help not to say I am from out there look at me. Many of you are from the Andromedan Starseed Family, and you will feel very strongly the incoming cosmic waves of light. Because of their eternal, freedom-loving nature, Andromedan star seeds are a strong driving force behind evolution and social revolution. They are keenly aware of the fact that they are different, and though they get along with others, they tend to feel detached. Sirius is also known as the “Dog Star”, due to its prominence in the Canis Major constellation that actually looks like a dog. The Pleiades are starseeds that come from the cluster of stars known as the Seven Sisters. I have recently found out I am on my 13th journey or assignment. You need to interact with these people if you want to fulfill your mission of leading humans to the truth. It’s important to note the placement of the sun and moon at the exact time of your birth. They’re very sensitive to the suffering of others and feel others’ emotions like they’re their own. By determining the areas they were in, at your birth, you can discover your starseed origins. It is an interview with Andromedan contactee Alex Collier, done in 1994. If you are an old soul, then you have likely lived many past lives. The moon and visible planets that are moving through the star system at the time. The alignment of specific planetary positions in … Starseeds need to put aside these feelings, however, in order to fulfill their mission, which is to lead others to a higher realm of existence and usher in a state of being where all people can co-exist in peace and love. ‘The Starseed’s Compass: A Guide to Identifying Your Soul’s Origins’, How To Connect With Your ET Spirit Guides, Misconceptions and Facts: Lies and Truth About the Business of Modeling, they LOVE freedom and may go to great lengths to maintain their freedom, they love to travel and some will choose to be purposely nomadic lifestyle, travelling by foot, bike, boat or air, they may be inclined to travel or roam as a method of spiritual expansion, they don’t like making commitments or feeling obligated to do something, they are very protective of their emotional boundaries, they can spot emotional manipulation and do not put up with guilt trips, they really dislike when they are treated unfairly, they need freedom in the expression of their true self, of all the starseeds, they have the hardest time understanding why humans have to pay to live on a planet they were born on. Remember, awakening is a process. Andromedan starseed belongs to the Andromeda Galaxy which is near our home planet and the milky way. We’ve learned a lot about starseeds and starseed alignments in the modern age, but we still don’t know everything. It doesn’t happen all at once, and sometimes as you become more and more aware, it can be painful. due to their forever expanding, freedom-loving nature Andromedan starseeds are a strong driving force behind social evolution and revolution. The Seven Sisters are part of the constellation we know as Taurus. It does not mean that you no longer care about earthly things. And for some, this means the Arcturians. Absolutely! As Andromedan the fighting hurts to see and witness at times wanting to cry then there is those of religious nature i pray they the humans can allow their eyes and ears to hear the real truth there are those from other races that have for most part come on voluntarily to earth to help. All Rights Reserved. Once you have a copy of your birth chart, you can see the angles different celestial bodies were positioned in during the time of your birth, and you can begin to see where your alignments are. Each prior life experience has left some sort of mark on you, and the more you awake, the more those marks will show themselves. Nevertheless, there are certain distinct signs that they will begin to notice that can offer them insight into their true nature. They feel isolated, and even though they interact with others with relative ease, they always feel like an outsider. If you are an Andromedan starseed, you don’t just sit around when people around you are being abused. The first of these two types are origin marks. Pleiadian starseeds were the first to be identified and studied in great detail. It is the only way you can get an accurate understanding of your starseed marks. They are no longer focused on the physical world or limited by their physical body or even the limits of time itself. They are seekers and never comfortable being in one place for too long and often have feelings of being trapped. It is important to note that if you have had multiple past incarnations, they tend to remove you further from your origin. Starseed origins are determined by noting the correspondence of the planets to different star systems. Understanding who you are involves knowing who you are now in your present incarnation, where you came from in terms of your origin and former incarnations, and who you will become in the future. I have markings from Orion, Pleiades, and Andromeda but feel connected to 4 or 5 different ones including Sirius. They tend to have good insights into problems and are creative problem solvers. The sun’s conjunction to a star system at the child’s birth. The star system that is descending on the western horizon at the time. The more a Starseed awaken, the more these feelings of detachment grow. Starseed markings can be determined both by studying a being’s birth chart of their birth to this world and by careful study of their personality traits, including their particular strengths and weaknesses in their interactions with this world. Those who are beginning to awaken and become aware of the higher forces at work beyond this world are what’s known as Starseeds. It is a struggle to get past the distractions of the physical world you are currently inhabiting. Lastly, the Procyon starseeds are the rarest type of starseeds present on Earth, whereas the Pleiades are the most common. Incarnation marks help you trace other star systems where you have existed before you came to Earth. A starseed who has experienced many incarnations tends to identify closest with the star systems of their most recent ones and less with their origins when they first broke off from the universe. There are fewer Andromedan starseeds on earth than others. Most people don’t realize it, but there is a whole lot more to the universe than what you observe through your five basic senses. Starseeds appear for all intents and purposes to be human. Many places online can offer you access to your birth chart for minimal cost or even for free. The universe is a very vast place, and there are multiple universes out there, making the possibilities of other beings out there endless. I long to be home but I know I have an assignment here on earth. When you look at your birth chart, star alignments that are conjunct with nonvisible planets at the time of your birth suggest an origin alignment. Get Starseed Confirmation. As a starseed, you need to be connecting who you are continually and yet still ground it in the reality of this Earth. They shape your personality and life experiences in this world and how you are manifesting in this world. You may not remember doing so, but as a starseed, you have answered a call to become human in order to help lead others to higher dimensions. It is not, by any means, an easy path, but it is a noble path and a fulfilling one. Once you’ve become fully aware of the fact, you are a starseed and understand your origins; it can be tempting to want to just leave Earth behind and completely detach yourself from earthly things. You might experience a sense of loss and a feeling of homesickness as you realize Earth is not your true home, but you need to move past these feelings and continue to work patiently and diligently for yourself and others to ascend once more. These two elements help you understand your current incarnate self better. Therefore the potency of your origin may not be readily felt. Sirian starseeds are from the planets Sirius A, and Sirius B. Arcturians are from Arcturus, which is the brightest star in the Bootes constellation. So we’ll have to define both to explain. by Whole Secrets 2 years ago 2 years ago. We love to manifest God’s great love for humans. Remember, we are all children of the universe, and you are no greater and no lesser than anyone else. Copyright © 2015-2021 The Starseed's Compass and Aspen Rain. Many Andromedan starseeds seeking spiritual expansion may find it helpful to meditate or do other forms of spiritual work on these days. This in Kind was what Jesus Christ of NAZARETH Did…His greatest assignment is to demonstrate God’s great love for ALL HUMAN’S. You can’t ignore it and spend your time here fantasizing about returning to a higher dimension. Andromedans are often labeled as scaly or unreliable because they have a hard time adapting to life in Western societies where time is tightly monitored. Michelle Walling is a Certified Holistic Life Coach, webmaster, writer, and and Radio Host on In5d radio’s The Cosmic Awakening Show. Even when living with their parents, they don’t want to be controlled. Starseeds are hyper-perceptive and notice everything and can’t block it out. It merely means that there are 12 we are aware of at present. 25,26, 27, 28 and 29 degrees in Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo, Cancer and Capricorn. As of today, astrologists recognize 12 star systems. Andromedan Starseeds "The Andromedan starseeds are from our neighboring galaxy Andromeda. Very young souls will not have any conjunctions with nonvisible planets. Think of incarnation marks like pins on a map noting the places you’ve been in the past. They are aware of restlessness and need to fulfill some sort of mission in this world. Starseeds resent being bored or disappointed. *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates. Those past lives don’t disappear with each new incarnation. Starseed markings can be determined by analyzing the placements of celestial bodies in your natal chart. When Andromedan starseeds feel like their parents are too controlling, it may result in estrangement or if they feel too controlled by the government or society, they may choose to live off-grid. These Andromedan starseeds usually live understated lives and only contain a small bit of their Andromedan energy when they are incarnated on Earth. They stand apart from the rest because they are aware that there is something greater out there. If you don’t find that any of these systems are relevant to you but feel you are a starseed, you may be one not yet identified. The Andromeda galaxy is the Milky Way’s galaxy neighbor at about 2.5 million light-years from us. Sirian- tend to be very creative but also very shy and have difficulty trusting people. The process of reaching that ultimate goal is just as significant. Origin marks indicate which star system you are originally from, they tell you where you began. Just a few examples of Starseed origins are the Pleiades, Orion, the Lyran constellation. Andromedan starseeds are from the Andromeda galaxy outside our own. Feb 10, 2020 - Explore ☼ ☾Hippie Mama ☾☼'s board "Andromedan starseed", followed by 352 people on Pinterest. As you would expect, Orion starseeds originate in the Orion constellation. Sirian starseed origin. You’ll want to take note not only where your star alignments are but also the more basic principles such as the significance of the sun’s position and moon’s position. Their deep empathy draws children and animals to them. The position of celestial bodies and which ones are visible from Earth vary over the course of one Earth year. Many will be significantly more spiritually aware or have access to higher consciousness such as telepathy , channeling, or healing . If you want to understand your starseed markings more fully, you should also acquaint yourself with the more foundational elements of your birth chart. Andromedan Energy- The Traits The Andromedans are a highly intelligent people, As are, any being that is not 3D. If you don’t know what a birth chart is, it’s a map of where planets and other celestial bodies were in their course at the time of your birth, as seen from the location of your birth. You are a leader that will guide others up into the fifth dimension and beyond. All humanity has an ancestral connection to the stars, but most people don’t remember that they come from the stars. Andromedan starseeds tend to work in areas that center on empowering and giving control back to individuals. Many starseeds feel a sense of loss and homesickness as they become aware of their true nature and can often feel isolated from those who co-inhabit the Earth with them. The bone is between 44,230 and 43,000 years old, according to two dozen radiocarbon datings. It is the perfect vibe to grow their artist spirit and to connect with the source of creation so they can make unique and great things. They come to illuminate the way and pave the path for other beings to help lead them to the truth of higher existence and help them ascend to the Fifth Dimension and beyond. Besides a birth chart, it is also helpful to acquaint yourself with the traits of different star systems. When you study these traits be honest with yourself, do they sound like you? Even though you are at a higher level of awareness doesn’t mean your way is always evident. Through the light you bring to Earth, more souls will awaken and begin to learn the truth. They serve as a bridge from Earth to higher dimensions, and the more they awaken, the clearer they can see those dimensions.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'selffa_com-box-4','ezslot_7',106,'0','0'])); However, when a Starseed is just at the beginning of their awakening, it can be hard for them to discern their true nature because they only partially remember their past life and are still distracted by the physical realm. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'selffa_com-banner-1','ezslot_9',107,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'selffa_com-banner-1','ezslot_10',107,'0','1'])); .banner-1-multi-107{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:0px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-top:15px !important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;text-align:center !important;}Lyran starseeds come from the star Vega in the Lyra Constellation. Your purpose is to serve others by leading through example. Starseeds often feel like they are in this world, but not truly part of it. Lightworkers are simply individuals who have consciously chosen to walk a spiritual path, to raise their own vibration and to help spread love and light into the world to assist with the ascension process. Starseeds, however, are aware of this or at least are in the process of becoming aware. 25,26, 27, 28 and 29 degrees in Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo, Cancer and Capricorn. In western astrology, there are also four types of star alignments. You can find much more detailed descriptions of each starseed type online, but here is a very brief overview of common traits different types of starseeds show. The more incarnations a starseed has been through, the more prominent their incarnations become. It could be a presence, an invisible force that you couldn’t quite hear and was just a little out of your grasp, but you could feel it stirring up vibrations inside your soul. Your heart is full of compassion so you always have their best interest. More Starseed Articles Are You A Starseed? It’s crucial to not hyper-focus on one thing as you are a combination of many different components that act and react in different ways. My name from Andromeda is Lord Win Will. You as a starseed carry signature DNA from your home world, which is merged with human DNA so you can survive on Earth. The more recent the incarnation, the more influence it will have in your present embodiment. This, however, is not conducive to your mission on this planet. Although we have identified 12 starseed systems, that does not mean there are only 12. Starseed children share many things in common with Indigo children such as their empathic and introverted nature, but tend to carry these particular traits well into adulthood. Incarnation marks tell about your multiple past lives. When an Andromedan starseed feels like they have no control over their lives, there is a tendency to run away to maintain autonomy. Opposite star alignments which are two-star point alignments, Trine star alignments which are three-star point alignments in a triangular position, Sextile star alignments indicate a 60-degree angle between celestial bodies, Square star alignments indicate a 90-degree angle between heavenly bodies. Many cultures around the world who have studied the stars acknowledge their significance. You are always the first to stand up for literally anyone. I have dreams of this beautiful place on the crystal clear blue waters with greek architecture, and waterfalls somewhere middle of the ocean which only I … Many starseeds born after the 1980’s have incarnations in a few star systems while Crystal and Rainbow tend to have incarnations in 5 or more star systems! The sun’s position will show you the outward expression, the moon your inward. If you have, chances are it wasn’t your imagination. Your physical body is very real, as is the way you experience the passage of time, but these are not the only realities. They are located in the constellation of Andromeda which is only 2.5 million light-years away. Just like Andromedan starseeds, like myself, you are not a person happy to obey authorities. Andromedans don’t like to be monitored in any way and they may have a hard time with the relative lack of privacy we all currently experience on Earth. The visibility or invisibility of certain planets determine what kind of mark it is. Depending on the age of the soul of the starseed they may have had many incarnations in other star systems before coming to Earth or only a few. Although Earth is not your true home, it is your current home. Star alignments that are conjunct with visible planets a the time of your birth are more likely to indicate an incarnation. They have come to this planet for a special divine purpose to help in the awakening of others. Andromedan starseeds come from the Andromeda galaxy. Starseeds that have incarnated from the Andromeda Galaxy tend to share some of the following characteristics: Andromedans are often labelled as flaky or unreliable because they have a really hard time adjusting to life in Western societies where time is heavily monitored. Finding starseed marks is not an exact science, and starseeds … They are friendly and conscientious of others, but they are naturally solitary. Starseed marks, also know as starseed alignments, refer to celestial body aspects in birth charts, which indicates that you have starseed origins. The Discovery of Star Markings. 8 Common Traits Of Those Who Possess Andromedan Starseed Energy. The Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way Galaxy are currently moving towards one another and are expected to collide in approximately 4 billion years. Since they have travelled through many dimensions, it is not uncommon for these souls to have unusual birthmarks and starseed body markings, as there is frequently a link between the presence of birthmarks and a starseeds origin. They retain their origins and know beyond a doubt that there is a greater force at work beyond the 3rd or even 4th dimensions that others are aware of; they know there are higher dimensions that exist. Ultimately, what this means, is that while you cannot learn how to find your starseed markings, you can often recognize or identify starseeds by their gifts. Finding your starseed markings isn’t an exact science, so don’t try to analyze your alignments based solely on facts, or you will be unsuccessful. 9. The second type is incarnation marks. Some starseeds may remember which system they are from, while others don’t. Starseed Walk-Ins Lightworkers Indigos. The Andromedan Lineup, where the Earth and the Sun align with the Andromeda Galaxy  occurs on April 16-18.
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