alan kay user interface

Any needle that's leaning left indicates something is below normal operating conditions (low oil … Really a fascinating lecture. Alan Kay, Andreas Raab, David P. Reed, David A. Smith: Croquet: A Menagerie of New User Interfaces /not online, info via beat.doebe.le: Kay 2/2004: The Center of "Why?". ! Alan Curtis Kay is an American computer scientist, who is responsible for developing some of the most important things in the evolution of computers like graphical user interface, SmallTalk, Dynabook and object-oriented programming. Alan Kay is an American computer scientist. This video is about Alan Kay @ SAP in Palo Alto. English: Alan Kay is a U.S. computer scientist known for his early work on object-oriented programming and user interface design. Create a free website or blog at User Interface: A Personal View. Smalltalk was a revolutionary system developed by the Learning Research Group (LRG) at Xerox PARC in the 1970s, led by Alan Kay. Also, what resources have you been using to learn Python scripting? Thank you Pete! He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Molecular Biology in the University of Colorado at Boulder. I've heard about Morphic, but I haven't been able to find out too much about it on the web. I have pipe-dreams of setting up a project portal/ 'virtual print room' for work with it.My biggest Python endeavor thus far was a program to help correct floor plans, which are often one big shunting puzzle. Dynabook: designed as a personal computer. The future is not laid out on a track. He is best known for his pioneering work on “object-oriented programing” and “windowing graphical user interface design” and for the phrase “the best way to predict the future is to invent it”. (1989) "Therefore, let me argue that the actual dawn of user interface design … He shows a a demo of what must have been one of the first CAD systems, Sketchpad. Courtesy of Alan Kay. It ran on the Alto computer, envisioned by Butler Lampson and designed by Charles P. Thacker (both Turing Award recipients). Most ideas come from previous ideas. He conceived the Dynabook concept which defined the conceptual basics for laptop and tablet computers and E-books, and is the architect of the modern overlapping windowing graphical user interface (GUI). The Eye Designs Group is very proud to bring you IRIS, the new standard in patient experience. The best place to start that I've found is this short on-line book. Alan Kay. Tied to the mind and interests of the user. It was a simple program to write; it took a full day because AutoCAD misreports its object types and variable types, so I had to recast every little thing to the proper interface. SmallTalk was the first dynamic object-oriented programming language. Alan Curtis Kay (born 17 May 1940) is an American computer scientist known for his early pioneering work on object-oriented programming and windowing graphical user interface design. ... and is the architect of the modern overlapping windowing graphical user interface (GUI). ... and user interface. Alan Curtis Kay (born May 17, 1940) is an American computer scientist. The PDFs on the website are also helpful for more technical topics like unicode and regular expressions.I'm on the twelfth lecture of the Berkley class. While at the ARPA project at the University of Utah in the late 1960s, he invented dynamic object-oriented programming. User Interface: A Personal View. Alan Kay Alan Kay is an American computer scientist. While he was at the University of Utah in the late 60s, he invented dynamic object-oriented programming which was part of the original team that developed continuous tone 3D graphics. Viewpoints Research Institute, 1025 Westwood Blvd 2nd flr, Los Angeles, CA 90024 t: (310) 208-0524. je vvpoints Research Institute. Alan Kay Proposed a computer design that supported the ways people perceive, learn, and create. Have you found the rest of the class of value? Dynabook. Relive some exciting moments in computing history with these videos! In 2001 he founded The Research Viewpoints Institute, a non-profit organization dedicated to children, learning, and advanced software development. When he was at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center in the Early 70’s he invented “Smalltalk” the first completely object-oriented programming, authoring and operating system, which a bit-map screen, screen painting and animation, it was the first modern networked personal computer. Alan Kay. ( bio. ) Alan Kay “User Interface: A Personal View” 119891 ”Therefore, let me argue that the actual dawn of user interface design first happened when computer designers finally noticed, not just that end users had functioning minds, but that a better understanding of how those minds worked would completely shift the paradigm of interaction.” 121 Alan Kay is widely known for the credo “the best way to predict the future is to invent it.” Here is how he does it. Alan Kay, “User Interface: A Personal View” Jeffrey Shaw, "Modalities of Interactivity and Virtuality" III. Just as those teams did, we also have an infrastructure that is rich enough to allow us to perform some deep exploration into the presentation and manipulation of rich media expressed in 3D, and in the Español: Alan Kay es un informático estadounidense reconocido por sus aportaciones al diseño de interfases y a la programación orientada a objetos. He is best known for his pioneering work on “object-oriented programing” and “windowing graphical user interface design” and for the phrase “the best way to predict the future is to invent it”. The soon-to-follow paradigm shift of modern personal computing, overlapping window interfaces, and object-oriented design came from seeing the … Alan Kay. This is very helpful because, on a big plan, moving a wall can effect six or more dimensions in one operation, and was a tremendous pain-in-the-ass before. He is best known for his pioneering work on object-oriented programming and windowing graphical user interface (GUI) design. He is best known for his pioneering work on object-oriented programming and windowing graphical user interface design. I haven't worked with it yet. All dials are oriented so that in normal operating conditions the needles point straight up. development of the original modern windowing user interface created by Alan Kay, his team at Xerox Parc, and his Squeak team[3,4]. His contributions been recognized with the Charles Stark Draper Prize of the National Academy of Engineering “for the vision, conception, and development of the first practical networked … computer: The graphical user interface Two computer scientists at PARC, Alan Kay and Adele Goldberg, published a paper in the early 1970s describing a vision of a … I asked Alan Kay about his thoughts on MVC: From: Don Hopkins. He was the co-designer of the FLEX Machine, it was an early desktop computer with graphical interface and inspired by children, the Dynabook is a laptop (personal computer) for children of all ages. Question Two Discuss any 5 contributions of Alan Kay and Steve Jobs in the second generation of evolution of Multimedia Systems. VPRI Paper for Historical Context. A “modeless” multimedia computer. Virtually all modern personal computers have a graphical user interface. Alan Curtis Kay is an American computer scientist best known for his pioneering work on object-oriented programming and windowing graphical user interface design. Working at Xerox PARC, his credo was, “the best way to predict the future is to invent it.”. Ninety-five percent of the Dynabook idea was a “service conception,” and five percent had to do with physical forms, of which only one — the slim notebook — is generally in the public view. Smalltalk was comprised of a programming language, a development environment, and a graphical user interface (GUI), running on … Hypermedia Vannevar Bush, “As We May Think” Ted Nelson, excerpt from Computer Lib/Dream Machines Alan Kay and Adele Goldberg, “Personal Dynamic Media” Richard A. Alan Kay is a computer pioneer, he was part of the the Xerox PARC team of about 30 researchers … Alan Curtis Kay was born in Springfield, Massachusetts on May 17, 1940. Alan Kay: I have been asked versions of this question for the last twenty years or so. The computer scientists at PARC, notably Alan Kay, also designed the Star interface to embody a metaphor: a set of small pictures, or “icons,” were arranged on the screen, which was to be thought of as a virtual desktop. He also defined the concept of messaging-based object-oriented programming. Alan is the father of the personal computer. He later joined the Walt Disney Imagineering crew as a Disney Fellow and remained there until Disney ended its Disney Fellow program. He is best known for his pioneering work on “object-oriented programing” and “windowing graphical user interface design” and for the phrase “the best way to predict the future is to invent it”. Computing pioneer Alan Kay calls Apple's iPad user interface 'poor'. Alan Kay user Interface: A Personal View" Alan Kay. /via Viewpoints Research Institute VPRI Memo M-2004-002 | alternative version at Kyoto University: Kay 9/2004 And though the class deals with Scheme and not Python, the class is about concepts and not mechanics. Alan Curtis Kay was born on May 17, 1940, in Springfield, Massachusetts. After dimensioning the plan, the user enters the field measurements as additional data in the dimension objects in brackets, which the Python script then monitors, changes the color and indicates the amount needed to correct the dimension. Kay's "research" has resulted in some interesting products. Alan Kay was a major player at Xerox PARC, which is considered the birthplace of the graphical-user-interface. The sixties, particularly in the ARPA community, gave rise to a host of notions about "human-computer symbiosis" through interactive time-shared computers, graphics screens and pointing devices. Until mid 2005, he was a senior Fellow at HP Labs, and a visiting professor at Kyoto University. An excerpt from Alan Kay’s Wikipedia article offers the following relevant info: Alan Kay, 1987. He was the president of the Viewpoints Research Institute, and a Professor of Computer Science at the University of California.,, While he was at the University of Utah in the late 60s, he invented… Name the company that supported the development of this interface by Alan Kay and his research group. Python's PHP equivalent is Django. His primary emphasis was in the area of computer-human interface (CHI) design. See Page 1. videoconferencing Graphical User Interface (GUI) Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) o Alan Kay saw Doug Engelbart demo in 1968 o Alto personal computer (early 1970s) o Bit-mapped display, keyboard, and mouse Apple Computer o Steve Jobs visited Xerox PARC in 1979 o Macintosh (1984) o Bit-mapped display, keyboard, and mouse Microsoft Windows (1990) o Released in May … Advanced computer languages were invented to simulate complex systems such as oil refineries and semi-intelligent behavior. Dr. Alan Kay, President of Viewpoints Research Institute, Inc., is a CHM Fellow, inducted in 1999. IRIS Experience Centers include iPad applications, RFID technology, Social Media integration and digital enhancements designed to connect patients, deliver information and create a memorable shopping experience. Alan Kay is an American computer scientist. David Canfield Smith is an American computer scientist best known for inventing computer user interface icons and the user programming technique known as programming by demonstration. Response to Alan Kay and User Interfaces This is standard practice on race cars with analog gauges. I'm interested in knowing more about the evolution of MVC and Morphic, and any other approaches that people have taken to user interface programming that you think are important. ~ Alan Kay, User Interface Pioneer. He is one of the earliest pioneers of object-oriented programming, personal computing, and graphical user interfaces. Python's interactive mode was invaluable. The icons represented officelike activities such as retrieving files from folders and printing documents. Alan Kay is an American computer scientist, known for his early pioneering work on computers, object-oriented programming and windowing graphical user interface design. … The prof isn't boring, and his example code is only as complex as he needs to demonstrate the concept he is introducing. He has been elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Royal Society of Arts. Alan Kay's 2004 Kyoto Prize paper. ... and play all afternoon trying out different user interface ideas. He conceived the laptop computer and was an architect of the modern windowing graphical user interface.
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