34th engineers ww1

G.M.) Additional information relating to the work of the 29 Engineers at the front can be obtained by writing to Washington or E. Hinman, Astoria, Oregon where a book was published giving the complete history of this organization. Manuel Redman Floyd Jr., Master Engineer, Engineers Corps, Tippecanoe County, Indiana. From: Cook John Moone Co. F. 21st Engineers, American E.F. The 34th was inactivated on 3 November 1945. We have had some pretty cold weather for the last couple weeks but it started raining last night and it turned warm today so I guess winter is over. James Lampert graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, Class of 1910. I have too much respect for myself and some others. “Telegraph operator on US military lines in France. “I reported to 1st Div. Since then we have experienced quite a few and it sure is a grand and glorious feeling to see the stars shining and know you won’t be bombed. Also, cut wire entanglements of the enemy with pliers and blew them up when necessary. 12th Supply Train 12th Sanitary Train. We landed in Brest, October 28 and were quarantined there a month for spinal meningitis. We have plenty write about, but we are not allowed to write what we would like. 105th Engineers: Roster and First WWI Veteran post. I should worry though for we are under orders now and we expect to lave for the port of embarkation next week. We have a little excitement about every day. It happened about three forty-five and when I woke up I mentioned to my bunky that they were getting pretty close and I wondered if we would have to move. We were unassigned to a division or Army hub but worked as an independent unit. Organized to Camp Taylor and consisted primarily of men from Indiana and Kentucky. The 34th engineers were a “take” outfit, the men having been transferred from the different camps in the country to us, and it consisted of 24 companies or about a brigade. A mighty battalion of Mack war trucks, all for the Engineers Corps. A letter written by him was received by his mother and sister here the day after the date on which he died and in this he wrote of his anxiety to get home again, now the war had ended, as his ambition to cross the Atlantic had been realized and he come through the struggle in France without a scratch. American E.F. (Photo and letters sent by his family), To: His sister Jessie Anderson, 2909 Station Street, Indianapolis. “The 7th Engineers laid the last Bridge over the Meuse River under heavy shellfire until the last shot was fired. The 67th Brigade comprised the 133rd Infantry Regiment and the 134th Infantry Regiment. Private Patterson was gassed and went through many hardships. The cooks who are not on shift get passes every other day, and I sure have been taking advantage of them. Combined, the division represents 23,000 Citizen-Soldiers in units stationed across eight different states. We operated narrow gauge there, hauling rations, ammunitions, and guns during the St. Mihiel Drive. The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 9, 1918, takes pride in presenting the Army Distinguished Service Medal (Posthumously) to Lieutenant Colonel (Corps of Engineers) James Gillespie Blaine Lampert, United States Army, for exceptionally meritorious and distinguished services to the Government of the United States, in a duty of great responsibility during World War I. Since then we have had a hard time getting paper. The post appeared first on Yesterday's Print. Gassed at Etain about 6 miles from Verdun, France, about November 1918. We had two or three submarine scares but there was nothing to any of them. I would have been just as well off if I had stayed in bed for it was all over when I got out. Your content goes here. I’d sure have hated for you to go over and get picked off, but if you had ever gotten here and gotten through the scrap, you would indeed be proud of the experience. Eventually, it took the combined force of five Allied infantry divisions to finish what the 34th nearly accomplished on its own. I hope this talk of getting home in April is not an April Fool joke. Dear Sis– We are having big times around here in the shape of air raids. They were relieved from their positions 11–13 February 1944. American Expeditionary Forces, A. E. F. If you have come here from someone else's web site and are stuck inside their frames, click here to get out.. Born in Washington County, (Indiana) Nov. 29, 1893, son of Mrs. Clara Floyd. Things were pretty quiet when we first went there but before we left things got pretty lively. We are living in a hotel that was used by the Germans and most of the windows are gone. This is a very quiet sector just at present. I’ll tell you Sis, I wanted to get over here but I didn’t want to get over near as bad as I want to get back. Because the girls are dirty and very undesirable for the Americans, who are used to a different economical conditions and the city girls that we see, for the most part, are disgustingly immoral, even to the most immoral American you see. Records of engineer regiments and battalions, 1912-21 (1,000 ft.). Has been in many engagements. This is straight dope. Was awarded the Croix de Guerre. Here is a Menu from the Mauretania on the way over to France, also the post card they could send home when they arrived. I mean a pretty good dinner for being at the front. As a member of the Eastern Task Force, which included two brigades of the British 78th Infantry Division, and two British Commando units, they landed at Algiers and seized the port and outlying airfields. The division initially included the 67th Infantry Brigade, formed in August 1917 in the Iowa and Nebraska National Guards[8] and the 68th Infantry Brigade. I think we will be in the States by the first of April. [16], On 18 June 1939, a tornado hit Anoka, Minnesota, and Governor Harold E. Stassen called on the Guard again. At the time the armistice was signed, we were a ways South near Lyons, building a rest camp. Earl Sylvester Passwaiter, 34th Engineers, Marion County, Indiana. [26] The unit sustained losses of about 80 per cent in the infantry battalions. Just about that time, one landed just back of my head, at least it seemed that way to me, and I grabbed my clothes and left. Candidates, most of whom are college graduates, with from two to 15 years practical engineering experience, and many of whom were already commissioned as Lieutenants Captains and Majors but not ordered to active service, were treated by the West Point officers in command as though they were of the same class as the old regular army enlisted men. “Work of Engineers was to build bridges across the Meuse, build roads, dig trenches, put up barbed wire entanglements, dig dugouts and dressing stations. 745, June 9, 1919. I am hoping to get home, so as to start in college in September, but it is uncertain as yet. Harry Harrison Gault, 17th RR Engineers, Ripley County Indiana, “The 17th Engineers with the 12th, 13th, and 14th Regiments paraded in Linden on August 15, 1917. In the face of heavy and direct machine-gun and artillery fire they constructed their bridges, and by reason of their coolness, determination, and utter disregard for personal safety, the Infantry was able to cross the river and canal and capture the important heights east of the Meuse.”, Albert John Lambert, 108th Engineers, Ripley County, Indiana. The performance of the 34th Infantry Division in the mountains has been called one of the finest feats of arms carried out by any soldiers during the war. Relayed traffic between American mission and the American Embassy in Paris through transatlantic cables. Chosen because the numeral \"1\" represents the number of the division and many of its subsidiary organizations. The 3rd and 64th Engineers … Via New York, To: His sister, Jessie Anderson, 614 North Keystone, Indianapolis, Dear Sis– This is the first letter I have written to you for about three months and I am not very proud of the fact. Don’t worry, none of them will ever get the better of me. I started to change it but just then another one bursted pretty close, so I put the other shoe on. Infantry Unit Rosters and Unit Photos. I am not sure whether I wrote to you since arriving here or not. That means that we are going home for we are going to drill as soon as we get over there. Traywick, Jr.'s Road Gang: A Memoir of Engineer Service in Vietnam (Dementi Milestone Publishing, 218 pp., $20, paper; $5.99, Kindle) is a classy book. The division was transported by rail and truck convoys to the newly constructed Camp Claiborne in Rapides Parish, Louisiana near Alexandria. They may take enough interest in us to do so but I don’t think they will. I have collected a few souvenirs, but very many of them bear down on a hike, and I have seen so many things I want, I have ceased to appreciate the value of them. The 47th Infantry Division was headquartered at St Paul, MN, by 1963, as the National Guard division covering the former 34th's area. Internally pulls were located between the artillery first-line trenches, were connected with certain divisions, being attached to various. Anderson, 614 Keystone Ave., Indianapolis, Dear Sis, You need not watch the papers to see when the 21st Engineers is coming home for we are in no division and there is not much chance of the papers printing our arrival. On 8 January 1942, the 34th Division was transported by train to Fort Dix, New Jersey to quickly prepare for overseas movement. The division was raised from volunteers for Lord Kitchener 's New Armies, that was originally made up of infantry battalions raised by public subscription or private patronage. We have to make seventy pies. After the signing of the armistice, with sent to Rumalang, Luxembourg and kept there until he sailed for the United States in July, 1919. Now, to answer some of your questions. Other deployments during the same time period have included Operation Vigilant Hammer in Europe, the Mediterranean Theater of Operations, and Egypt, and Joint Task Force Bravo – Honduras.[29]. About fourteen bombs were dropped the first night but I only heard the last two. I have since heard the news she is not at DP anymore. Well, Sis, I am going to try and get some sleep before Fritz comes over so will say Good Bye John. On 16 May 1934, the truck driver's union initiated a strike (Minneapolis Teamsters Strike of 1934), which quickly degenerated into open violence in the streets of Minneapolis. Inscription on front: This Certifies That / Lindsay C. Osborn / Is A Lifetime Member / Last Man Club / "A" Co., 110th Engineers / 35th Division / American Expeditionary Forces / June 19, 1917 - May 3, 1919 From the service of Lindsay C. Osborn and Ralph Oman, Company A, 110th Engineers, 35th Division, AEF. The enemy fired with machine guns, determined not to let their supplies of ammunition stores be captured since the Armistice was on the point of being signed. The Rosemount-based 34th Red Bull Infantry Division provides command and control for 23,000 Citizen-Soldiers in eight different states. Here we are and here we will no doubt stay for quite awhile. “I was honorably discharged from the United States Army. I hope I may never see a kitchen again. I always make them come across with a pie, whenever I make them. Last night the alarm was given but no bombs were dropped close to us. [citation needed]. [9] Cone's design evoked the desert training grounds of Camp Cody, New Mexico, by superimposing a red steer skull over a black Mexican water jug called an "olla." William Fred Taylor, Co. C., 29th Engineers, Marion County, Indiana. Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Engineer Brigade 30 October 2013; Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2d Engineer Brigade 17 October 2011 The 34th Engineer Group (Construction) was ordered to stand-down with a schedule date of 21 November 1971. By the end of the war in November, 1918, the demand for their expertise had required the services of almost 400,000 engineers. . I am still in the kitchen, trying to please a bunch of railroad men in the way of food and let me tell you it is an impossibility. A peacetime order of battle of the United States Army for August of 1914 (the outbreak of the World War in Europe), listing the divisions, brigades, regiments, and battalions of infantry, cavalry, field artillery, coast artillery, and engineers with their permanent garrisons and actual locations, all down to the company, troop, and battery level. [17], The expanding war in Europe threatened to draw a reluctant United States into the conflict. Went ‘over the top’ in charges. I also spent a day in the Alps on a donkey. Help put in sewer plant and Camp Taylor, also made Camp Shelby, was at Camp Shelby for one year. Utilizing roving patrols, curfews, and security details, the 34th quickly restored order, thus enabling negotiated settlement of the labor dispute. Persevering through bitter fighting along the Mignano Gap, the 34th used goat herds to clear the minefields.
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