Depends on your class, I really would avoid Aakman until you're 245 with kutum. That's just not for you yet. bdo nouver vs kutum chart. Advantages Nouver: 2 more AP in PvE. The loot for nouver and kutum is exactly the same drop-rate and everything, except nouver drops the nouver sub-weapon box instead of kutum… If you have tet kzarka aswell as tet boss armor you should be okay to go with what youve got now but you'll probably want to get 1 ap so you hit the 235 ap bracket. Witch 273 ap nouver vs 261 ap kutum aakman. Isnt the 261 ap bracket broken right now? so the 261 is the new 263 until a fix for this. 307 g), softer endosperm texture (2. Area Agris Loot Scroll 241-260 Kutum / 253-272 Nouver 261-270 Kutum / 273-284 Nouver 273-280 Kutum / 285-290 Nouver 281+ Kutum / 293+ Nouver; Aakman: No I am assuming all your armor is also TET. 10% Resistance. PvP: Black Warrior Horn Bow until ~300-330 accuracy without it. You need to be able to kill other players at hystria if you want to grind there and below 253 kutum ap that will be a real challenge (at 253 kutum you should just get a nouver as it's better for both pvp and pve), I’m sitting at 234 ap w tet kutum as witch. Kutum vs. Novuer Calculator - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (.xls / .xlsx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. You gain anywhere from 4 to 21 AP by reaching other AP Brackets. SATIYORUM 281 KUTUM PEN BS 05536327011-SINIRSIZ POTLAR COMPASS: SATIYORUM 42k takas 272-273-342 62Lv Wizard. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, ACanadianDude | Guides: 261 is frequently cited as this is also the number where nouver becomes better than Kutum. Posted by 2 years The links don't work for me. But it's heavily class and rotation dependant. Spec PvE Easy Aakman Hystria Star's End Sycraia PvE Hard Avg. 261 is frequently cited as this is also the number where nouver becomes better than Kutum. 11 more DP. Lol shit musa. The next AP bracket is at 140, when you get another 5 AP. Sheet8. Cookies help us deliver our Services. 308 AP is the bracket cap you can even hit it with kutum xD and deal the same damage as som1 with 330 nouver cause above 308 AP you dont get bonus damage Black Desert Online - Kutum vs & period; Nouver vs & period; Autres armes secondaires Jeux 2021 Chaque clae de Black Deert en ligne n’a qu’une eule option bet-in-lot pour leur arme principale et Awakening (Kzarka et Dandelion, repectivement), an poer de quetion. For PVE kutum is better above 261 AP, not to mention you get better defense against mob wearing it. I wonder how stronk u will b w 261 ap w kutum though, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the blackdesertonline community, The subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert Online, developed by Pearl Abyss. If so, you should be alright going there already. Without crystals since they don't contribute to sheet ap, also depends on class, 261 nouver would be 249 kutum, 249 with kutum for hysteria, 235 for aakman. So Iâ ll start off with the advantages. It would be frustrating. Bdo da ise 3000 saat oynama TET kutum 257-261-313 TET nouver 269-273-302 TRİ karayıldız da var. Some, like mystic, can get away with less. Succession & Awakening AP Awakened Skills: adds 30% of main hand weapon AP for damage calculations Succession Skills: adds 30% of Awakening weapon AP. SATIYORUM Bdo mena (gmail) yükseliş karak ninja 273 kutum 324 dp: SATIYORUM 273 ap kutum musa 62 Lv + karak yükseliş GÜNCEL(SATILDI) SATIYORUM MENA 62 lahn 261 kutum 273 nouver 315 dp
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